
Discounted Membership Fees for Businesses Enrolling Three or More Employees:

One Time Registration Fee - Waived for Businesses

  • 0 - 20 years old - $21.40 per month

  • 21 - 44 years old - $53.50 per month

  • 45+ years old - $80.25 per month

Individual/Family Memberships Fees:

One Time Registration Fee - $95 per family

  • 0 - 20 years old - $53.50 per month ($37.45 with an enrolled parent/guardian)*

  • 21 - 44 years old - $69.55 per month*

  • 45+ years old - $101.65 per month*

* 10% discount will be applied for families with 3 or more enrolled individuals.


Memberships Include:

  • Unlimited office visits during office hours.

  • Unlimited access by phone, email, and text.

  • No charge for tests done in the office such as rapid strep, rapid flu, urinalysis, urine pregnancy, finger stick blood glucose and EKG.

  • No charge for paperwork we complete on the patient's behalf.

  • Home visits are available for the patients who live within 20 miles of Rockwall for an additional fee. Home visits will be free of additional charges until I have full-time office space.

Lab and X-Ray Fees:

You have the option to use your insurance to cover the costs, or you may choose to pay a discounted cash price. Most lab tests cost less than $20. Insurance can also be used for x-rays, referrals, or any additional testing you may need. If you don't have insurance or prefer to pay cash, we offer significantly reduced prices for labs and x-rays. The prices for the most common lab tests are listed below, and prices for other tests are available upon request. 

  • Lipid Panel $3.30

  • PSA $9.24

  • Hemoglobin A1C $4.62

  • TSH $6.93

  • Vit. D 25-hydroxy $21.89

  • Pap Smear $39.84

  • CBC $4.20

  • Hepatic Function Panel $3.11

  • Basic Metabolic Panel $3.22

  • Complete Metabolic Panel $4.18

  • Uric Acid $2.45

  • Urine Culture $9.08

  • Throat Culture $17.85



  • Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (TDAP) for adults $50

  • All vaccines for uninsured/under-insured children are $7/each.

Other immunizations are available at the pharmacy for adults and insured children.


  • Steroid - Included in membership

  • Rocephin (antibiotic)  - Included in membership

Other injectable medicines (eg. Depo-Provera, Testosterone, vitamin B12) will be ordered as needed from the pharmacy and will be supplied at cost. Price may vary. 

Cancellation of Membership:

After the initial 90 day commitment period, membership at Gem MD can be canceled with 30 days written notice. Patients who have cancelled will be charged a $95 re-enrollment fee if they want to return to the practice. Gem MD reserves the right to refuse re-enrollment to patients who have cancelled.